What else on Tariff 33?

So, is it only pool pumps that are eligible for being on Tariff33? No there is much more than just pools allowed. Of course hot waters systems have always been allowed on Tariff33 but there so much more. Basically any appliance can be put onto Tariff 33 as long as it...

Apple TV – what and why?

For quite while we have been installing APPLE TV units as part of a clients distributed music system and standalone installations. Combined with an IPod touch, iPhone, iPad, mac computer or even a PC running iTunes, it remains a handy and practical device. What is an...
Another School lecture theatre

Another School lecture theatre

We recently had another opportunity to do a refit of large steeped seating school lecture theatre. Our job involved supplying a new projector and relocating it, new lectern with touchscreen control, new input plates, upgrading to HDMI, new PA and presentation...
Lectern Touchscreen

Lectern Touchscreen

KX7 In-Wall Touchpanel The extraordinary KX7 is packed full of features for complete control of entertainment, environment and security systems in any residential or commercial installation. The wall-mounted touchpanel has a slim profile, framing a control interface...

Rewiring for C-Bus

We often have people interested in rewiring existing homes for C-Bus. I myself have had to do this for two houses I have owned and it both cases they were both two storey homes. Two storey homes bring their own set of difficulties. What is amazing though is that as...

Where do we service?

FROM BRISBANE TO BALLINA While being based on the Gold Coast, we have a large area that we service. In recent months we have been up to Caloundra on the Sunshine Coast and down to Cabarita in Northern NSW. Most of our works involves luxury homes in what is considered...
Connect Power & Cabling - 0411 224 449