Old Power Supplies

Once again we have come across old style Cbus power supplies causing weird things to happen on the network. This was about 3 weeks ago.When replaced however with what was calculated to be the correct value of new power supplies, the network still had issues at times....

Saturn DLT switches

The Clipsal Cbus DLT switch is one beautiful switch plate. DLT stands for, Dynamic Labelling Technology. What this means is that next to each button there is a LCD panel that you can programme a word into. For example, Lounge, Vol, Source, Bench. The other cool thing...

Bargain Apartments Tweed Heads

We have recently finished a luxury block of 9 apartments at Tweed Heads for our builder and developer “Coast to Coast Constructions”. Now you can deal direct with the developers/ builders of this project. Do you want to “cut out the middle man” and save money ! Here...

Lighting Services

Lighting Specialist – Feature Lighting At Connecting.com.au we have a separate trading entity for our lighting supply. We do this via our trading name Feature Lighting. Feature Lighting was first formed in 1990 with a small shcwroom at Nerang on the Gold Coast. Now it...

Tariff 33 pool upgrades

Well there has been a rush on since Energex started advertising the fact that they are offering a $250 rebate for people who connect their pool pumps onto tariff 33. Tariff33 runs at around 30% cheaper than the normal tariff 11 and is available for a minimum of 18...
Connect Power & Cabling - 0411 224 449