Home Automation, also known as Home Integration or Smart Home Solutions, is about combining things together within the home electrical system. The days of being able to control aspects of your home via your smartphone or Iphone are here. This can be done within your home or even when you are away from it. Clipsal Cbus has several ways to achieve this.
Home Automation is revolutionising home security & entertainment. If you’re building a new home, installing home automation infrastructure will get you ready for the future & add value to your home.
If you’ve got an existing home, retrofitting cables is very expensive, but advances in wireless technology means you can now automate too. Wireless is a cost-effective means for automating an existing house, as you don’t need to rip out walls to install cables. Remember though that a wired system is always more robust than a wireless system.
If you are considering an Integrated Home Automation System, then be aware that expert advice is crucial. Our experienced Systems Integrator will determine the features that you need after the initial consultationin & draw up your plans to suit your budget & lifestyle.
See under our “services” for more information about Home Automation and Clipsal C-Bus.