C-Bus Repairs & Services
C-Bus Repairs & Services
Connect Power & Cabling have been involved with C-Bus for 25 years now. Every week we have something to do with C-Bus and have hundreds or jobs under our belt.
As electricians who fully understand C-Bus we are your first stop for fault finding. We have greater understanding of C-Bus and fault finding compared to others who do C-Bus but are not electricians or electricians who have no experience with CBus.
We are at Clipsal/Schneider highest level of C-Bus integrator and part of their Ecoxpert programme. Our experience includes commercial buildings, business and many luxury homes in the Gold Coast and surrounding area. The service we offer is of a high standard by experienced, qualified and ethical technicians.
Our C-Bus Services include :
- Fault finding and troubleshooting
- Repair or replacement of hardware.
- Programming and programming changes
- Upgrades to existing new and older systems.
- Integration of third party products.
- Existing C-Bus systems upgrades onto phones, voice control and smart devices.
- Designing, supplying and programming new installations.
- Working with other electricians who do not have C-Bus experience.