The large training room space has Pierlite LED fittings which are dimmed and controlled by combination C-Bus 5085 DL, switches in Horizon black and as a central point of control, a C-Bus Spectrum colour touchscreen also in Horizon black.
Rows of downlights in the main training room are switched in banks to allow for presentation from a speaker or overhead AV projector. “Scenes” are programmed which allow different modes or scenario’s where the groups of lights come on as a whole but at different levels. Dimming is done with Clipsal Cbus L5504D2U range of dimmers. Features of these dimmers are loads of up to 2.5 amps per channel, universal dimming for both leading and trailing edge loads, and unlike the original C-Bus range of dimmers, these do not require the same phase on the control side as the channel side.

If you are after C-Bus work in Brisbane and would like us to discuss how we can work with you whether you are an electrician, builder designer or home owner, please contact us by email or phone.